“…For any Leibniz algebra L there is an associated Lie algebra L Lie = L/ [x, x] , where [x, x] is the two-sided ideal generated by all [x, x], x ∈ L. To study the second Leibniz homology group of Lie algebra sl n (R) and Steinberg Lie algebra st n (R), Loday and Pirashvili [LP] introduced also the noncommutative Steinberg Leibniz algebra stl n (R), where R is an associative algebra over a commutative ring K. In [L], Steinberg Leibniz algebra and its superalgebra were dicussed. Steinberg Lie algebras and their universal central extensions have been studied by many authors (e.g., [B1, KL,Ka,G1,G2,GS]). In most situations, the Steinberg Lie algebra st n (R) is the universal central extension of the Lie algebra sl n (R) whose kernel is isomorphic to the first cyclic homology group HC 1 (R) of the associative algebra R and the second Lie algebra homology group H 2 (st n (R)) = 0.…”