ethane 25 "C, on a mesurC la vitesse d'addition du chlorure de dinitro-2,4 benzenesulfknyle B des phCnyl-1 prop'enes cis et tratls substituCs sur le noyau aromatique par des nitro-3, chloro-4, mCthyl-4, mCthoxy-4, phknoxy-4 et isopropoxy-4; on a aussi dCterminC la stCrCochimie des produits. Alors que l'on obtient une relation linbire entre log k2 vs. soit u ou U+ on obtient une meilleure correlation avec U . On obtient une telle relation linhire m&me si la stCrCochimie des produits change de stCreospkifique et nonrkgiospkifique pour les substituants Clectro-attracteurs (nitro-3 et chloro-4) h regiospkifique et non stCrCospCcifique pour les substituants Clectro-donneurs (mkthoxy-4, phCnoxy-4 et isopropoxy-4). Les rksultats suggkrent que 1'Ctape dkterminante, pour toutes ces additions, est un ion ponte et que tous les ions ouverts se forrnent aprks cette Ctape.[ The rate of addition of 2,4-dinitrobenzenesulfenyl chloride to cis and t~atls 3-NO2, 4-CI, 4-CH3, 4-OCH3, 4-OCsHs, 4-0CH(CH3)2 substituted-1-phenylpropenes has been measured in 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane at 25 "C and the product stereochemistry has also been determined. While a plot of log k2 vs. either u or U+ is linear a better correlation is obtained with U . Such a linear relationship is obtained even though the product stereochemistry changes from stereospecific and nonregiospecific for electron-withdrawing substituents (3-N02, 4-CI) to regiospecific and nonstereospecific for electron-donating substituents (4-OCH3, 4-OCsHs, and 4-0CH(CH3)2). These results suggest that the rate determining step for all the additions is bridged and that any open ion is formed after this step.The recent report of the addition of 2,4-dinitrobenzenesulfenyl chloride to cis-and transanethole is the first example of a nonstereospecific addition of an arenesulfenyl chloride to an alkene (2). In this reaction an open carboniuin ion is clearly involved as an intermediate prior to the product determining step. However it is not clear if the first formed intermediate is also an open carbonium ion. In an attempt to obtain more information about the mechanism of this reaction we have examined the rate of addition of 2,4-dinitrobenzenesulfenyl chloride to a series of phenyl substituted cis-and trans-l-phenylpropenes (la-g and 20-g).The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a break in the Harnmett crp plot at the point where the addition becomes nonstereospecific. In this way, we should be able to determine if there is a change in the structure of the rate determining transition state as the product stereochemistry changes.
ResultsThe rates of addition of 2,4-dinitrobenzenesulfenyl chloride to a series of phenyl substituted cis-(la-g)-and trans-(2a-g)-1-phenylpropenes were measured at 25 "C in 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (TCE) by two methods: a titrimetric method and a dilatometry method using an Anton Paar precision density meter. The additions were found to exhibit normal second-order kinetics, first-order in alkene and first-order in sulfenyl chloride to 80% completion o...