“…At each sampling, 10 g of cheese were diluted 5-fold with 40 mL of sterile physiological saline (0.85%, w/v NaCl) with 0.1% Bacto Peptone (Bacto™ Peptone, 211677, BD Bioscience, San Jose, USA) and homogenized in a stomacher (Stomacher 400 Circulator, Seward Medical, London, UK) at normal speed for 60 s. Due to lack of selective culturebased media for enumeration of Clostridia (EFSA, 2005), a real-time PCR (qPCR) method was used for detection and quantification of C. sporogenes. Previous studies for non-proteolytic strains of C. botulinum in heat-treated ("sterile") fish showed non-significant statistical difference between the growth rates estimated from cell concentrations determined by qPCR or plate counts (Koukou et al, 2022). The homogenate was prepared for qPCR analysis as described below.…”