Climate change issues are affecting the lives and livelihoods of the farming community in our state. With majority of our rural population dependent on farming, the need of the hour is to create awareness among farmers on climate-resilient farm technologies and make them adopt them. So, a study was conducted in the Erumapatty block of Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu to study the awareness and adoption of climate-resilient farm technologies. The findings of this study revealed that majority of the respondents (68.33 per cent) had high level of awareness on climate-resilient farm technologies. With regard to adoption, majority (60.00 per cent) had medium level of adoption on climate-resilient farm technologies. On crop production and protection climate resilient farm technologies, namely drought-resilient varieties, Intercropping, Identification and use of short-duration varieties, drought-resilient fodder crops, Community nursery as a contingency measure for delayed planting, IPDM and PPFM to combat drought condition in small onion majority of the farmers in the study area are aware of it and adopt it in this study area.