Plasmids capable of complementing lupl, lap2 and lap3 mutations [R. J. Trumbly and G. Bradley (1983) J. Bucteriol. 156, [36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48] were isolated from a yeast YEpl3 library by screening for activity against the chromogenic aminopeptidase substrate L-leucine P-naphthylamide in intact yeast colonies. The genomic inserts were shown to contain the structural genes for aminopeptidases yscII, yscIII and ysclV. Plasinids containing the gene encoding aminopeptidase yscII of Sacchuromyce.y cerevisiae, APE2 (LAPI) were analyzed in detail. APE2 was determined by DNA blot analysis to be a singlecopy gene located on chromosome XI. The cloned fragment was used to identify a 2.7-kb mRNA. The proteolytic system of the yeast Succhuromyces cerrvihiue has attracted considerable attention and is still actively studied (for reviews, see [I, 21). The yeast proteinases located in the vacuole, the lysosome-like organelle [3], are by far the best characterized. The genes encoding proteinase yscA, proteinase yscB, aminopeptidase yscI, dipeptidyl aminopeptidase yscV, carboxypeptidase yscY and carboxypeptidase yscS have been cloned and sequenced [4-221 and their biosynthesis and sorting have been examined (reviewed in [13]).Matile et al. [14] detected four aminopeptidases with activity on leucine /3-naphthylamide after separating crude extracts from yeast by starch gel electrophoresis. Four aminopeptidases capable of hydrolyzing tripeptides were deCorrespondeelwe to P. SuCrez-Rendueles,