The proposition that differences in experience type on the Rorschach reflect certain trends in personality functioning has been a common assumption in clinical practice. In a previous paper (3), it was pointed out that one way of conceptualizing the experience type is in terms of the person's use of internal and external stimulus factors. The introversive person utilizes internal stimulus factors to a greater degree in that he invokes aspects of the stimulus situation more proximal to himself, while the extratensive person utilizes external stimulus factors in that he responds more to the physical, "out-there" qualities of the blot. The present research is designed to establish empirically differences in performance on a perceptual and cognitive task as a function of the experience type of the person. The perceptual problem given to our subjects (5s) was the Gottschaldt Embedded Figures Test (EFT), as modified by Witkin (7). This test requires S to perceive a simple geometric figure embedded in a larger, more complex figure. In their research on field dependence and independence, Witkin and his associates have studied certain empirical relationships between the EFT and the Rorschach (8). They found that 5s with longer solution times on the EFT (field dependent) had lower "coping" scores on the Rorschach, as defined for example by more CF and C responses than FC responses. Quick perception of the simple figure (field independence), on the other, was associated with giving more human movement responses and predominantly FC responses.In that portion of the current research con-Card I: entire center "figure" area (D 4). Card II: upper left red (D 2). Card IV: lower center area (D 1). Card III: upper left red inverted (D 2). Card V: entire right half without "antenna" (D 4). Card VIII: bottom center pink and orange area inverted (D 2). Card VI: entire left half of card without top projection, rotated 90 degrees to right (D 4). Card IX: left green figure, card rotated 90 degrees to right (D 4). Card VII: entire right half of card (D 0). Card X: upper left blue area (D 1). Card III: left human figure (D 1). Card IX: top right orange area (D 3).Card IV: lower projection of "heel" and "toe" of boot, rotated 90 degrees to the right (D 2). Card X: inner blue area (D 6). Card V: entire middle, including D 2 and D 3 (D7). Card III: middle red (D 3).