External bremsstrahlung spectra produced by hard beta particles of 89Sr (1.463 MeV) in thick targets of Al, Cu, Sn and Pb were studied. After making the necessary corrections, the experimental results were compared with the theoretical external bremsstrahlung distributions obtained from Elwert corrected (non‐relativistic) Bethe–Heitler theory, Tseng and Pratt theory and modified Elwert factor (relativistic) Bethe–Heitler theory. It was found that for low‐Z elements all theories are equally suitable throughout the energy region studied. For medium‐Z elements, the Tseng and Pratt and modified Elwert factor (relativistic) Bethe–Heitler theories are more accurate, particularly in medium and higher energy regions. However, for high‐Z elements, the modified Elwert factor (relativistic) Bethe–Heitler theory shows better agreement with the experiment, particularly at the higher energy end. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.