“…After half of the pyeloureteral anastomosis is completed, the nephrostomy stent is loaded on the back of a Kirschner wire (K-wire) 1.6 mm 250 mm (Ortho Solutions, UK) and introduced through the cranially placed working port under direct vision, guided through the open pelvis, into the posterior lower calyx and then through the renal parenchyma to emerge on the surface of the lateral abdominal wall (at the renal angle). [17] The externalized end is left on free drainage for 48 hours, then knotted before patient discharge and J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f covered under a dressing. At approximately 7 postoperative days, the stent is removed in an ambulatory setting with no need for sedation or GA. DJ stent (Percuflex ™ Plus ureteral stent set) was typically 4.8-French in diameter and was placed in an antegrade fashion.…”