In the present article, the authors want to present the results of a retrospectively evaluated consecutive series of patients with surgically treated isolated orbital floor fractures (OFF; "blow-out fractures") concerning the functional outcome after OFF and give detailed recommendations based on the clinical and radiological findings. A series of 60 patients with isolated OFF over a 5-year period needing surgically repair at the same institution were evaluated. Patient data were analysed in terms of preoperative and postoperative clinical parameters and radiological findings. The analysed parameters were type of fracture, diplopia, gaze restriction, enophthalmos, materials used for repair, surgical approach and timing of the surgical intervention. Burst type fractures were more often found than punched-out fractures. The most frequently used surgical approach was a preseptal transconjunctival approach. An overall decrease of gaze restriction (93%), diplopia (89%) and enophthalmos (86%) was observed. According to the fracture size, we used Ethisorb patches in smaller fractures and resorbable or titanium meshes or autologous bone in larger fractures in most cases. Patients who underwent surgery more than 7 days after the trauma showed better results with regard to an improvement of diplopia and motility disturbances than patients who were treated immediately. In indicated cases, the surgical repair of OFF leads to very good results if the anatomical and functional properties of the orbit and its contents are respected. The applied strategy and means presented in our study proved of value and can therefore be recommended.