“…A T1 and fMRI sequences were acquired on a 3 T Siemens Verio (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany), using a 32‐channel head coil, with parameters similar to Violante et al (). Functional MRI images were obtained using a T2*‐weighted gradient‐echo, echoplanar imaging (EPI) sequence, 3 mm 3 isotropic voxel, repetition time (TR) 2 s, echo time (TE) 30 ms, flip angle (FA) 80°, field of view 192 × 192 × 105 mm, 64 × 64 matrix, 35 slices, GRAPPA acceleration factor = 2, run time of 12min 24 s. Standard T1‐weighted structural images were acquired using an MP‐RAGE sequence, 1 mm 3 isotropic voxel, TR 2.3 s, TE 2.98 ms, inversion time 900 ms, FA 9°, field of view 256 × 256 mm, 256 × 256 matrix, 160 slices, GRAPPA acceleration factor = 2, run time of around 4.5min.…”