In this paper, the extinction problem for a class of distylous plant populations is considered within the framework of certain nonhomogeneous nearest-neighbor random walks in the positive quadrant. For the latter, extinction means absorption at one of the axes. Despite connections with some classical probabilistic models (standard two-type Galton-Watson process, twourn model), exact formulae for the probabilities of absorption seem to be difficult to come by and one must therefore resort to good approximations. In order to meet this task, we develop potential-theoretic tools and provide various sub-and super-harmonic functions which, for large initial populations, provide bounds which in particular improve those that have appeared earlier in the literature.Keywords extinction probability · Markov jump process · random walk · branching process · random environment · sub-and superharmonic function · potential theory Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) 60J05 · 60H25 · 60K05