In analogy to the Fe hypothesis, the Zn hypothesis states that Zn may limit primary production in some regions of the world oceans and therefore influence the global carbon cycle. The proposed mechanism is via carbon limitation due to a lack of the cofactor Zn in carbonic anhydrase. In the current conceptual model for the use of inorganic carbon by E. huxleyi, carbonic anhydrase in the chloroplast generates CO 2 from HCO at the site where Emiliania huxleyi is an interesting alga for studying the use of inorganic carbon because it produces both particulate organic carbon (POC) in photosynthesis and particulate inorganic carbon as CaCO 3 in calcification and, thus, has an impact on the oceanic cycles of both dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and alkalinity. Moreover, E. huxleyi occurs over most of the ocean outside the polar regions. Except in tropical and polar regions, it constitutes about 50%-100% of the coccolithophorids by number (McIntyre and Bé 1967). However, coccoliths of E. huxleyi are relatively small and fragile. Thus, it is not the dominant contributor to coccolithophorid CaCO 3 precipitation (Broerse 2000). Paasche (1962) suggested that calcification and photosynthesis in E. huxleyi are coupled in a manner equivalent to the symbiosis of corals and their associated algae. Later, it was confirmed that there is a direct link between calcification and photosynthesis. The substrate for calcification is HCO Ϫ 3 (Paasche 1964), which produces a proton (Eq. 1). This proton can then be used with a second HCO molecule to pro-Ϫ 3 duce CO 2 (Eq. 2). The CO 2 can then be fixed in photosynthesis by the enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase