Stem Cell Mobilization and Collection Unit at Istituto Europeo di Oncologia (IEO; Milan, Lombardia) provides extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) therapy to treat graft‐vs‐host disease (GvHD) using offline procedures. ECP can be administered via an integrated single device (online procedure). Total cost of performing ECP at IEO vs an integrated device was assessed using a micro‐costing approach.
Ten offline ECP procedures for GvHD were monitored using Time‐Driven Activity‐Based Costing methodology, which utilized costs of resources, and time spent by patients/healthcare personnel with each resource. Details of ECP steps were recorded (pre−/post‐treatment clinical evaluations, biological sampling, cannulation, apheresis, irradiation, reinfusion time). Time and cost comparisons between offline (combination of equipment/devices) and online technologies (THERAKOS™ CELLEX™ Photopheresis System) were performed. Cost variables: consumables, personnel, equipment, and laboratory tests. Personnel costs for online procedures were calculated using published time estimates and IEO hourly rates. Costs recorded in 2018 euros.
Median duration of IEO offline ECP procedures (296 minutes) was greater than that reported for CELLEX ECP delivery (120 minutes). Total cost of offline ECP (€1134.57 [$1314.57]/procedure) was greater than that reported for online delivery (€1063.95 [$1232.74]/procedure). IEO performs ~84 ECP procedures/y, which would require ~412 hours/y vs 168 hours/y for online procedures; suggesting €5932.08 [$6873.72]/y savings with online procedures.
This assessment highlights potential resource time savings with online procedures. Time saved could allow increased activity with the same resources, at a department level. Potential non‐monetary benefits include reduced time burden on patients, increased availability of hospital staff and improved patient safety.