Ovines are a common animal model for the study of cardiovascular devices, where consideration of blood biocompatibility is an essential design criterion. In the ovine model, tools to assess blood biocompatibility are limited and continued investigation to identify and apply additional assays is merited. Toward this end, the thrombelastograph, clinically utilized to assess hemostasis, was employed to characterize normal ovine parameters. In addition, platelet labeling with biotin was evaluated for its potential applicability to quantify ovine platelet life span. Mean ovine thrombelastograph values were reaction-time: 4.9 min, K-time: 2 min, angle: 64.1°, maximum amplitude: 68.6 mm, actual clot strength: 11.9 Kd/sc, and coagulation index: 1.5. Reaction time was significantly shorter and maximum amplitude, actual clot strength, and coagulation index were all significantly higher when compared to normal human thrombelastograph values suggesting some hypercoagulability of sheep blood. Biotinylation and reinfusion of ovine platelets allowed temporal tracking of the labeled platelet cohort with flow cytometry. These data indicated a mean ovine platelet life span of 188 h with a half-life of 84 h. The collection of these parameters for normal ovines demonstrates the applicability of these techniques for subsequent studies where cardiovascular devices may be evaluated, and provides an indication of normal ovine values for comparison purposes.