Vortex-induced vibration of two elastically connected bodies: experimental verification of lock-in to multiple eigenmodes
IntroductionA circular cylinder placed in a fluid flow typically exhibits oscillatory motion. It is well known that such motion, referred to as vortex-induced vibration (VIV), is induced by vortices generated on and shed behind the oscillating cylinder. The magnitude of VIV depends on the flow speed V , the natural frequency fn of the mechanical system including the cylinder, and the diameter d of the cylinder. This dependency is represented by a single dimensionless parameter known as the reduced velocity Vr = V/(fn d). Reduced velocities of Vr = 5-8 generally produce distinct VIV of the cylinder, the amplitude of which typically reaches the equivalent of the cylinder diameter (Bishop and Hassan 1964; Koopman, 1967;Blevins and Burton, 1976;Bearman, 1984;Khalak and Williamson, 1996; Sakamoto et al., 2004;Sarpkaya, 2004;Williamson and Govardhan, 2004).Previous studies of systems with one degree of freedom (1DOF), such as a single movable circular cylinder (e.g., Khalak and Williamson, 1999), have reported little evidence of VIV for Vr > 10. However, when the movable cylinder is placed together with a fixed one to form a tandem arrangement, remarkable VIV is encountered for Vr > 10 as it is induced by an instability of the motion and the wake (e.g., Igarashi, 1981;Zdravkovich, 1985;Sumner, 2010).In the present study, we address a system with two degrees of freedom (2DOF) that is driven by flow-induced forces. In many previous studies (e.g., Jauvtis and Williamson, 2004;Assi, 2014;Bai and Qin, 2014;Gsell et al., 2016), the 2DOF system in questions was a body that oscillated in both the streamwise and spanwise directions. However, the 2DOF system considered herein refers to a mechanical system that comprises two vibrating bodies that are connected elastically. These two types of 2DOF system differ physically in the numbers of eigenfrequencies involved in the 1 Yoshiki NISHI* and Komei SAITOH*
AbstractThis study examines experimentally the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of a mechanical system with two eigenmodes. A previous experiment setup was refined to enable the experiment, and was placed in a circulating water channel to submerge a movable circular cylinder (cylinder A). This cylinder was subjected to fluid flow while being supported elastically, whereupon VIV occurred. A second movable cylinder (cylinder B) above the water was connected to cylinder A and supported elastically. The displacements of those two cylinders were measured. The underlying hypothesis was that the vortex shedding frequency would become locked to one or other of the two eigenfrequencies, and that which eigenmode the vortex shedding frequency became locked to would depend on the reduced velocity. To test this hypothesis, the experimental setup was refined to withstand the high flow speeds required to allow the vortex shedding frequency to become locked to either eigenfrequency. From the results obtained, the amplitude ...