We clarify and extend further the idea we developed before that baryonic matter at high density has an emergent "pseudoconformal symmetry." It is argued that as baryonic density exceeds n ≃ n 1/2 > ∼ 2n0, a topology change mimicking the baryon-quark continuity takes place at n 1/2 . In terms of skyrmions, this corresponds to the transition from skyrmions to half-skyrmions and impacts on the equation of state of dense baryonic matter. The emergence in medium at n 1/2 of paritydoublet symmetry -which is invisible in QCD in a matter-free vacuum -plays the crucial role. The consequence of the topology change is that massive compact stars carry the "pseudoconformal sound velocity" v 2 s /c 2 ≈ 1/3 at n ∼ > n 1/2 signaling a precursor to the precocious emergence of scale symmetry as well as a local symmetry hidden in QCD in the matter-free vacuum. A highly significant prediction of this work is that the topology change density from normal matter to halfskyrmion matter, up to date inaccessible either by QCD proper or by terrestrial experiments, could possibly be pinned down within the range 2 < n 1/2 /n0 < 4, commensurate with the range expected for a continuous hadrons-to-quarks or -gluons transition.I.