“…Thyrocalcitonin employed was made from acetone-dried pig thyroid tissue by the method of Baghdiantz, Foster, Edwards, Kumar, Slack, Soliman & MacIntyre (1964). Both crude and partially purified (Gudmundsson et al 1966) preparations were used, their potency being determined by 4-point bio-assay in rats (Kumar, Slack, Edwards, Soliman, Baghdiantz, Foster & Maclntyre, 1965) Solutions of 47CaC12 with a specific activity of 50-100 mc/g Ca were obtained from the Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, Bucks, and after appropriate dilution with saline solution or with saline thyro-calcitonin solution they were infused through the 'drug' tube when clearance determinations were to be made.…”