The Ramba Dome hosting the youngest endmembers of Himalayan leucogranites (8 Ma, Liu et al., 2014) provides a good opportunity to constrain the thermal history of the aureole. Firstly, we focus on the carbonaceous staurolite schist at ~1.3 km from the intrusion. The phase equilibria modeling and the RSCM thermometer indicate consistent peak metamorphic condition of 550 °C, 3.5-4 kbar. The garnet core composition yields 525 °C, 2.5-3 kbar, with an overstep of ~45 °C corresponds to a 5 kJ/mol (12 O) chemical affinity. The diffusion model across the high-Ca domains suggests 1.4 m.y. thermal pulse duration. Secondly, we test the hypothesis of rapid transportation and emplacement of the leucogranitic magma. The diffusion model yields a timescale of transportation and emplacement (0.25 Ma) indicating rapid transportation of leucogranite magma. The rapid cooling of the Ramba Dome marked the cessation of leucogranite magmatism, which reflects the termination of deep heat source.