Introduction. The technology for the production of soft drinks using non-traditional raw materials with the aim of improving and expanding the range of products was investigated.Materials and methods. Non-traditional raw materials were used to create the basis of a soft drink, in particular, strawberry and raspberry extract. The number of polyphenols in the objects of study were determined by spectrophotometric method. The optical density was measured in a cuvette with a layer thickness of 10 mm on a SF-46 spectrophotometer.Results and discussion. The content of phenolic compounds is crucial for the stability of beverages. The usіng of morphological particles of raw materials makes it possible not only to improve the sensory properties of beverages, but also to extend their stability. Raspberry powder extract (2.30 and 1.02) had better phenolic compounds and rutin content than strawberry powder extract (1.50 and 0.30).Available data indicate that the vegetative parts of plants contain no less biologically active substances, and sometimes even more than fruits, berries and vegetables, and their using allows to get concentrates and drinks from them with soft, piquant, harmoniously individual flavor and aroma.Focusing on the rich content of valuable components, the leaves and stems of raspberries and strawberries were investigated for the using of additives to the concentrate of soft drinks.Extract, which is prepared by boiling the chopped leaves and twigs in water for 3 minutes, has better sensory properties compared to other samples, so this method of preparing raspberry extract is optimal. Strawberries were excluded from the experiment due to the rich grassy tones in the taste and the corresponding aroma. 0.75 g and 1.0 g in 100 cm3 of raspberry extract are best suited for use in order to create the basis for a soft drink.Conclusions. Using of extracts of non-traditional plant materials will help to improve the sensory properties of the soft drink and expand the range.