This research investigates the utilization of human driving models in autonomous vehicles, particularly in scenarios with minimal or no interactions with other vehicles. Human driving models provide valuable insights into driver behavior and play a crucial role in shaping the behavior of autonomous vehicles, enhancing their performance and user experience. The primary focus of this study is the creation of a planning model for autonomous vehicles when navigating roundabouts in the absence of traffic. This model seeks to emulate human driving behavior, ensuring predictability, safety, the optimization of traffic flow, and adaptation to various roundabout geometries. To achieve this, the research introduces a trajectory model that takes into account geometric attributes and speed variations within roundabouts. The model is calibrated using empirical data and generalizes parameters through statistical regression methodologies. In particular, speed profile modeling is evaluated for its consistency in creating plans that faithfully replicate human driving behavior in roundabouts. While the study presents a promising approach, it acknowledges limitations related to the model’s reliance on geometric attributes and its inability to account for external factors like weather conditions. This research underscores the importance of bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical application, with the aim of enhancing safety and the overall user experience in real-world driving scenarios.