Abstract:We calculate the quark coefficient function T q (x, ξ) that enters the factorized amplitude for deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) at all order in a soft and collinear gluon approximation, focusing on the leading double logarithmic behavior in (x ± ξ), where x ± ξ is the light cone momentum fraction of the incoming/outgoing quarks. We show that the dominant part of the known one loop result can be understood in an axial gauge as the result of a semi-eikonal approximation to the box diagram. We then derive an all order result for the leading contribution of the ladder diagrams and deduce a resummation formula valid in the vicinity of the boundaries of the regions defining the energy flows of the incoming/outcoming quarks, i.e. x = ±ξ. The resummed series results in a simple closed expression.