A 31-year-old active-duty military servicemember presented to the dermatology clinic for evaluation of 0.3-to 2-cm, tender, blue nodules on the wrists and forearms. The lesions first appeared on the right volar wrist secondary to a presumed injury sustained approximately 10 years prior to presentation and spread to the proximal forearm as well as the left wrist and forearm. He denied fevers, chills, chest pain, hematochezia, hematuria, or other skin findings. Physical examination revealed blue-violaceous, firm nodules on the right volar wrist and forearm that were tender to palpation. Blue-violaceous, papulonodular lesions on the left volar wrist and dorsal hand were not tender to palpation. A punch biopsy was performed.
WHAT'S YOUR DIAGNOSIS?a. cutaneous leiomyoma b. glomangiomyoma c. hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia d. Kaposi sarcoma e. neurilemmoma