It is well established that normal immune systems are endowed with a significant degree of autoreactivity. Accordingly, effective tolerogenic mechanisms are required to censor autoreactive cells and to ultimately prevent their differentiation into pathogenic effector cells. In this review, we will discuss how immunological tolerance is enforced in the human B-cell compartment. We shall also discuss the breakdown of B-cell tolerance in human autoimmune diseases.Finally, we will review different experimental approaches to measure B-cell tolerance in human disease.
| B-CELL TOLER AN CE . CHECK P OINTS AND MECHANIS MS . LE SSONS LE ARNED THROUG H MOUS E S TUD IE SMouse models have been instrumental in defining multiple checkpoints and distinct mechanisms underpinning the enforcement of B-cell tolerance. Tolerance checkpoints are classified into central and peripheral mechanisms based on anatomical location and stage
AbstractThe maintenance of immunological tolerance of B lymphocytes is a complex and critical process that must be implemented as to avoid the detrimental development of autoreactivity and possible autoimmunity. Murine models have been invaluable to elucidate many of the key components in B-cell tolerance; however, translation to human homeostatic and pathogenic immune states can be difficult to assess.Functional autoreactive, flow cytometric, and single-cell cloning assays have proven to be critical in deciphering breaks in B-cell tolerance within autoimmunity; however, newer approaches to assess human B-cell tolerance may prove to be vital in the further exploration of underlying tolerance defects. In this review, we supply a comprehensive overview of human immune tolerance checkpoints with associated mechanisms of enforcement, and highlight current and future methodologies which are likely to benefit future studies into the mechanisms that become defective in human autoimmune conditions.