Background. According to the literature, the combination of extralobar sequestration withdiaphragmatic hernia is observed in 12-16% of patients with pulmonary sequestration. A clinicalcase of a combination of these anomalies is presented. None of the congenital defects werediagnosed in the prenatal period. The presence of a pulmonary sequester with an atypical bloodvessel was an intraoperative diagnosis.Clinical case description. The diagnosis of a diaphragmatic hernia was performed in the first hoursafter the birth of the baby because the newborn suffered of respiratory failure and neededresuscitation measures.The X-ray image of the chest organs revealed the presence of a left-sidedfalse diaphragmatic hernia. Thethoracoscopy took place on the 2-nd day of newborn’s life. Duringsurgeryadditional malformation was revealed. The pulmonary sequestration was detected after theorgans were immersed in the abdominal cavity. The result of the surgery (removal of pulmonarysequestration and plastic defect of the diaphragm) was successful.Conclusion. It is very important to increase the professional attention of pediatricspecialists – neonatologists, pediatricians, intensive care specialists, pediatricsurgeons, functional specialists of antenatal ultrasound diagnostics - not only tothe problem of pulmonary sequestration, but also congenital malformations ofthe chest organs in general.