We obtain retarded Green's functions for massless scalar fields in the background of near-extreme, nearhorizon rotating charged black holes of five-dimensional minimal gauged supergravity. The radial part of the (separable) massless Klein-Gordon equation in such general black hole backgrounds is Heun's equation, due to the singularity structure associated with the three black hole horizons. On the other hand, we find the scaling limit for the near-extreme, near-horizon background where the radial equation reduces to a hypergeometric equation whose SL(2,R) 2 symmetry signifies the underlying two-dimensional conformal invariance, with the two sectors governed by the respective Frolov-Thorne temperatures. We obtain retarded Green's functions for massless scalar fields in the background of near-extreme, near-horizon rotating charged black holes of five-dimensional minimal gauged supergravity. The radial part of the (separable) massless Klein-Gordon equation in such general black hole backgrounds is Heun's equation, due to the singularity structure associated with the three black hole horizons. On the other hand, we find the scaling limit for the near-extreme, near-horizon background where the radial equation reduces to a hypergeometric equation whose SLð2; RÞ 2 symmetry signifies the underlying two-dimensional conformal invariance, with the two sectors governed by the respective Frolov-Thorne temperatures.