The Toeplitz operator acting on the Bergman space A 2 (D), with symbol ϕ is given by Tϕf = P (ϕf ), where P is the projection from L 2 (D) onto the Bergman space. We present some history on the study of hyponormal Toeplitz operators acting on A 2 (D), as well as give results for when ϕ is a non-harmonic polynomial. We include a first investigation of Putnam's inequality for hyponormal operators with non-analytic symbols. Particular attention is given to unusual hyponormality behavior that arises due to the extension of the class of allowed symbols.where σ(T ) denotes the spectrum of T (cf. [2]).We study the hyponormality of certain operators acting on the Bergman spaceLet ϕ ∈ L ∞ (D). The Toeplitz operator T ϕ is given bywhere P is the orthogonal projection from L 2 (D) onto A 2 (D).2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 47B35, 47B20.