In this paper pX, T q denotes a topological dynamical system, that is, X is a compact metric space and T : X Ñ X is a continuous map. Often we will impose additional conditions, but broadly speaking the dynamics that interest us the most are those that are sufficiently "chaotic", and in particular have many invariant probability measures.Our subject is ergodic optimization in a broad sense, meaning the study of extremal values of asymptotic dynamical quantities, and of the orbits or invariant measures that attain them. More concretely, we will discuss the following topics:1. maximization or minimization of the ergodic averages of a real-valued function;2. optimization of the ergodic averages of a vectorial function, meaning that we are interested in the extrema of the ergodic averages of a function taking values in some euclidian space R d ;3. maximization or minimization of the top Lyapunov exponent of a linear cocycle over pX, T q, or more generally, of the asymptotic average of a subadditive sequence of functions;4. optimization of the whole vector of Lyapunov exponents of a linear cocycle.Unsurprisingly, many basic results and natural questions that arise in these topics are parallel. The aim of this paper is to provide an unified point of view, hoping that it will attract more attention to the many open problems and potential applications of the subject. The setting should also be convenient for the study of problems where one cares about classes of invariant measures that are not necessarily optimizing. Disclaimer: This mandatorily short article is not a survey. We will not try to catalog the large corpus of papers that fit into the subject of ergodic 2010 Mathematics subject classification. 37A99; 37D30, 37E45, 37J50, 37H15, 90C05 Acknowledgements. Partially supported by project Fondecyt 1140202.