Abstract. An exact additive asymptotic basis is a set of nonnegative integers such that there exists an integer h with the property that any sufficiently large integer can be written as a sum of exactly h elements of A. The minimal such h is the exact order of A (denoted by ord * (A)). Given any exact additive asymptotic basis A, we define A * to be the subset of A composed with the elements a ∈ A such that A \ {a} is still an exact additive asymptotic basis. It is known that A \ A * is finite.In this framework, a central quantity introduced by Grekos is the function S(h) defined as the following maximum (taken over all bases A of exact order h):In this paper, we introduce a new and simple method for the study of this function. We obtain a new estimate from above for S which improves drastically and in any case on all previously known estimates. Our estimate, namely S(h) ≤ 2h, cannot be too far from the truth since S verifies S(h) ≥ h + 1. However, it is certainly not always optimal since S(2) = 3. Our last result shows that S(h) is in fact a strictly increasing sequence.