ABSTRACT. Following the approach by R. Kötter and F. R. Kschischang, we study network codes as families of k-dimensional linear subspaces of a vector space F n q , q being a prime power and F q the finite field with q elements. In particular, following an idea in finite projective geometry, we introduce a class of network codes which we call partial spread codes. Partial spread codes naturally generalize spread codes. In this paper we provide an easy description of such codes in terms of matrices, discuss their maximality, and provide an efficient decoding algorithm.
INTRODUCTIONThe topology of a network is well-modeled by a directed multigraph. Vertices without incoming edges play the role of sources and vertices without outgoing edges play the role of sinks. Vertices which are neither sources nor sinks are called nodes. The interest in network modeling is due to its several applications in technology (distributed storage, peer-to-peer networking and, in particular, wireless communications).In [1] Ahlswede, Cai, Li, and Yeung discovered that the information rate may be improved by employing coding at the nodes of a network (instead of simply routing). Moreover, Li, Cai and Yeung proved in [14] that, in a multicasting situation, maximal information rate can be achieved by allowing the nodes to transmit linear combinations of the inputs they receive, provided that the size of the base field is large enough.A turning point in the study of linear network codes was the paper [12] by R. Kötter and F. R. Kschischang. The authors suggested an algebraic approach to the topic, developing a clear and rigorous mathematical setup. Interesting connections with classical projective geometry also emerged. Several other interesting papers followed the same approach, e.g., [6], [7], and [13].In this paper, we propose and study a class of network codes, which fit within the same framework. In Section 1 the algebraic approach by Kötter and Kschischang is briefly recalled. In Section 2 we introduce a family of network codes which we call partial spread codes, and which generalize spread codes (see [16]). Our codes have the same cardinality and distance distribution as the codes proposed in [8]. The elements of our codes however are given as rowspaces of appropriate matrices in block form. The structure of this family of matrices allow us to derive properties of the code, which we discuss in Section 3. In particular, we establish the maximality of partial spread codes with respect to containment. Based on the same block matrix structure, in Section 4 we are able to give an efficient decoding algorithm.