Around eighty years after its birth, the field of probabilistic number theory continues to see very interesting developments. On the occasion of a thematic program on the subject that took place last May in Montréal, we give a brief survey of a (far from exhaustive) selection of recent advances.for any z ∈ R. Along with the Erdős-Wintner theorem (1939) on limiting distributions of additive functions on the integers, this can be seen as the beginning of probabilistic number theory. We refer the reader to W. Schwarz's survey [44] for an account of the main developments that followed. Herein, we would like to give a brief survey of a (far from exhaustive) selection of recent works that use concepts such as martingales, suprema of Gaussian and log-correlated processes, orderings of weakly correlated random variables, normal approximations, large deviation estimates, comparison inequalities, and random Fourier series, to obtain significant results or insights in number theory. 1 A proof using the method of moments was given by Halberstam in 1955.