“…2; the fragment is considered to be a material point in these coordinates Comments on the model: expression of the injection velocity m 13 ðz 3 j p 3 Þ was adopted from Baker (1983), the values m 23 ðz 3 ; t j p 3 Þ and m 33 ðz 3 ; t j p 3 Þ are computed for given t by a numerical integration of the coupled ODEs; these ODEs were formulated under the assumption that the fragment will tumble during its motion; the ODEs are widely used to predict a motion of bodies which are described as material points (Baker, 1983;Twisdale & Vickery, 1993), assigning and updating the d.f. F P 3 ðp 3 jp P 3 Þ are discussed in Table 3 Phenomenon under consideration: hitting the building by the fragment Random event related to the phenomenon: not used Model related to the phenomenon: m 4 ðz 4 j p 4 Þ Destination of the model: model is used to relate an impact mass and impact velocity of the fragment to characteristics of its injection and motion Model input: z 4 ¼ (z 14 , z 24 , z 34 ) T , where z 14 is relative mass of the fragment released towards the building (dimensionless quantity); z 24 is horizontal component of the impact velocity (m/s); z 34 is vertical component of the impact velocity (m/s); values of z 14 , z 24 and z 34 are assigned as follows: z 14 ¼ z 12 ; z 24 ¼ m 43 ðz 3 j p 3 Þ; z 34 ¼ m 53 ðz 3 j p 3 Þ Model output: m 4 ¼ ðm 14 ; m 24 Þ T , where m 13 ¼ impact mass of the fragment (kg); m 23 ¼ impact velocity of the fragment (m/s) Model structure: m 14 ðz 4 j p 4 Þ ¼ p 4 z 14 , m 24 ðz 4 jp 4 Þ ¼ ðz 2 24 þ z 2 34 Þ 0:5 , where the parameter p 4 is the total vessel mass which is equal to 1687 kg Quantification of uncertainties: it is assumed that there are no epistemic uncertainties related to m 4 ðz 4 j p 4 Þ Comments on the model: application of m 4 ðz 4 j p 4 Þ implies that the fragment tumbles during its motion and can hit the building at any orientation in the vertical plane of its trajectory; the trajectory is described by the two degrees of freedom (2-D) transport model integrated in the preceding model m 3 ðz 3 ; t j p 3 Þ; in principle, one can apply a 6-D transport model capable to predict the impact orientation of the fragment (Twisdale & Vickery, 1993); this, however, would require to reformulate all models used in the present case study…”