Reaction of scandium dimethyl complex LScMe (L=[2-{N(DIPP)C(Ph)N}C H CH=N(DIPP)] , DIPP=2,6-(iPr) C H ) (2) with bulky phosphine ArPH (Ar=2,6-{3,5-(Me) C H } C H ) gives an unprecedented scandium 2,3-azaphosphametallacyclobutane complex L'Sc (L'=[2-{N(DIPP)C(Ph)N}C H C(H)P(2,6-{3,5-(CH ) C H } C H )N(DIPP)] ) (3) that contains a C-P-N-Sc four-membered ring. Complex 3 was characterized by X-ray crystallography, revealing a short distance between the Sc and P atoms (2.786(1) Å), but without a direct Sc-P bonding interaction. The formation of 3 involves a complete cleavage of the imino bond of the tridentate ligand L and C-P and N-P bond coupling. Complex 3 not only activates H under mild conditions to give a H-H bond cleavage product, but also reacts with O , CO, phenylsilane, and pinacolborane to produce novel products through cleavage and formation of various bonds.