Gaussian random fields on Euclidean spaces whose variances reach their maximum values at unique points are considered. Exact asymptotic behaviors of probabilities of large absolute maximum of theirs trajectories have been evaluated using Double Sum Method under the widest possible conditions. R(s, t) = EX(s)X(t); denote by σ 2 (t) = R(t, t) its variance function, which is continuous since X is a.s. continuous. We study the asymptotic behavior of the probability P (S; u) = P(max t∈S X(t) >u)(1) as u → ∞. We need a slightly stronger condition than a.s. continuity of sample paths. Denote B ε := {t : |t| ≤ ε}.Condition 1 X(t) is a.s. continuous. Moreover, there exists ε > 0 such that Dudley's integral, [5], [15], for the standardized fieldX(t) = X(t)/σ(t), t ∈ B ε is finite.Notice that for homogeneous Gaussian fields this condition is also necessary for existing of a.s. continuous version of the field (X. Fernique [10]). We need this condition in order to use V. A. Dmitrovsky's inequality for estimating the exit probability from above. For reader's convenience we give a corollary from the inequality adapted to our purposes, see Corollary 8.2.1, [15]. Proposition 1 (V. Dmitrovsky, [3], [4], [15]) Let Condition 1 be hold. Then there exists γ(u), such that γ(u) → 0 as u → ∞, and for any S 1 ⊂ B ε ,Condition 2 σ(t) reaches its absolute maximum on S at only 0.Without loss of generality assume that σ(0) = 1. Notice also that by time parameter shift the maximum point can be made arbitrary, with corresponding conditions on the parameter set. From Condition 2 it follows in particular that the normalized fieldX(t), t ∈ B ε , see Condition 1, exists. Furthermore, it follows from it that r(s, t) ≤ 1 and the equality holds only for s = t = 0.Notice that we do not consider the case of boundary maximum point of variance. It can be considered with described here tools, with involving the structure of the boundary near the point. Such the consideration could not require any new ideas but makes the text longer and even more difficult to read. We would have to introduce a series new Pickands like constants. Only in the Talagrand case (see below) the asymptotic behavior reminds the same in this boundary maximum point case.Condition 3 (Local stationarity at 0). There exists a covariance function r(t) of a homogeneous random field with r(t) < 1 for all t = 0 such that lim s,t→0,s =t