Originally introduced a century ago by Pierre Janet, phaseoriented treatment has been independently proposed by many authors and is now widely considered by trauma specialists to be the treatment of choice for PTSD and other posttraumatic disorders. Much more recently, introduced by Francine Shapiro in 1989, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) has also become available for the treatment of PTSD and other trauma-based disorders. EMDR has become widely accepted by clinicians and has received strong support regarding its efficacy from a wide range of empirical studies. However, with a very few exceptions (highlighted in this paper), these two major approaches for treating trauma have developed largely independently. The present paper integrates the major EMDR developments with the different stages of the phase-oriented approach to assess if such an integration is conceptually and clinically useful. The EMDR developments integrated into the phases of trauma treatment include: Shapiro's prototypic protocol for PTSD and the protocols for other trauma-based disorders, safety protocols, Leeds' and Korn's work with Resource Development and Installation, and Kitchur's Strategic Developmental Model for EMDR. The usefulness of integrating phase-oriented treatment and EMDR is then assessed. These approaches were found to strongly complement each other in their clinical strengths and weaknesses, while sharing many underlying theoretical and structural elements.There is robust consensus among trauma specialists that a phase-oriented approach is the treatment of choice for trauma survivors. In phase-oriented treatment, work is divided into more or less discrete sequential phases, each characterized by its own treatment objectives, focal symptoms, and relational challenges. Ideally, when the tasks of one phase are accomplished, treatment can move into the next. This model was first formulated about a century ago by Pierre Janet (1889, 1925) who described three phases: (1) stabilization and symptom reduction;(2) metabolization and integration of traumatic material; and (3) personality reintegration and rehabilitation of the self in relationship and in the world (Brown, Scheflin & Hammond, 1998). Janet's contributions were obscured for many years (Ellenberger, 1970), but modern trauma specialists also independently recommend phase-oriented treatment ap-