High Definition (HD) devices requires HD-videos for the effective uses of HD devices. However, it consists of some issues such as high storage capacity, limited battery power of high definition devices, long encoding time, and high computational complexity when it comes to the transmission, broadcasting and internet traffic. Many existing techniques consists these above-mentioned issues. Therefore, there is a need of an efficient technique, which reduces unnecessary amount of space, provides high compression rate and requires low bandwidth spectrum. Therefore, in the paper we have introduced an efficient video compression technique as modified HEVC coding based on saliency features to counter these existing drawbacks. We highlight first, on extracting features on the raw data and then compressed it largely. This technique makes our model powerful and provides effective performance in terms of compression. Our experiment results proves that our model provide better efficiency in terms of average PSNR, MSE and bitrate. Our experimental results outperforms all the existing techniques in terms of saliency map detection, AUC, NSS, KLD and JSD. The average AUC, NSS and KLD value by our proposed method are 0.846, 1.702 and 0.532 respectively which is very high compare to other existing technique.