“…For example, where an innocent suspect stands out in a lineup, eyewitnesses tend to be overconfident and as a result, high-confidence identifications become less accurate and leaving the usage of high-confidence ratings as an indicator of probative value within courts premature (Berkowitz, Garrett, Fenn, & Loftus, 2022). Saraiva, van Boeijen, Hope, Horselenberg, Sauerland, & van Koppen (2020) suggest that eyewitnesses may use a potentially misleading heuristic-perceived task difficulty-as a proxy for underlying discriminability, especially where fillers become implausible options or where memory self-efficacy is rated as very high or very low. Thus, it seems that, as true Bayesian observers, eyewitnesses apply all available information during their eyewitness identification decisions, including metacognitive information not currently included in existing SDT models of eyewitness memory.…”