The ever expanding digital information universe makes us rely on search systems to sift through immense amounts of data to satisfy our information needs. Our searches using these systems range from simple lookups to complex and multifaceted explorations. A multitude of models of the information seeking process, for example Kuhlthau's ISP model, divide the information seeking process for complex search tasks into multiple stages. Current search systems, in contrast, still predominantly use a "one-size-fits-all" approach: one interface is used for all stages of a search, even for complex search endeavors. The main aim of this paper is to bridge the gap between multistage information seeking models, documenting the search process on a general level, and search systems and interfaces, serving as the concrete tools to perform searches. To find ways to reduce the gap, we look at existing models of the information seeking process, at search interfaces supporting complex search tasks, and at the use of interface features over time.Our main contribution is that we conceptually bring together macro level information seeking stages and micro level search system features. We highlight the impact of search stages on the flow of interaction with user interface features, providing new handles for the design of multistage search systems.