24The epithelial tight junction regulates barrier function and is responsive to extracellular stimuli. Here we 25 demonstrated that contact of synthetic surfaces with defined nanotopography at the apical surface of 26 epithelial monolayers increased paracellular permeability of macromolecules. To monitor changes in tight 27 junction morphology in live cells, we fluorescently tagged the scaffold protein zonula occludens-1 (ZO-28 1) through CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing. Contact between cells and nanostructured surfaces 29 destabilized junction-associated ZO-1 and promoted its arrangement into highly dynamic non-junctional 30 cytosolic complexes that averaged ~2 µm in diameter. Junction-associated ZO-1 rapidly remodeled, and 31 we also observed the direct transformation of cytosolic complexes into junction-like structures. Claudin-32 family tight junction transmembrane proteins and F-actin also were associated with these ZO-1 containing 33 cytosolic complexes. These data suggest that the cytosolic structures are novel intermediates formed in 34 response to nanotopographic cues that facilitate rapid tight junction remodeling in order to regulate 35 paracellular permeability. 36 37 1B, fig. S1B). FITC-labeled IgG (FITC-IgG) was added to the apical side of the monolayer as a tracer for 87 barrier permeability (Fig. 1A, fig. S1A). We then tracked FITC-IgG that penetrated through epithelial 88 monolayers to the basal side with submicron resolution, using TIRF microscopy that selectively 89 illuminated fluorophores within ~100 nm zone above the basal substrate (Fig. 1A). Acquired TIRF images 90 were quantified as the mean FITC fluorescence intensity at cell-cell borders marked by bulk plasma 91 membrane using Cell Mask Deep Red (fig. S1C). Strikingly, FITC-IgG accumulated in basolateral gaps 92 below cell-cell borders of Caco-2 monolayer after apical contact with nanostructured (NS) films for 1 93 hour at 37 o C (Fig. 1, C and D), while FITC-IgG showed minimal paracellular permeability in non-treated 94 (NT) cells ( fig. S1 D and E). NS film treated cells also showed significantly higher paracellular 95 accumulation of FITC-IgG than cells in contact with control flat (FT) polypropylene films (Fig. 1C-E). 96 These data are consistent with our previous studies, which demonstrate increased paracellular permeability 97 to macromolecules when epithelial cells are in contact with nanotopographic structures (12-14), further 98 indicating the regulation of tight junctions through nanostructure contact. We then immunostained ZO-1 99 in differentially treated cells (fig. S1F) given its important role in tight junction regulation (5-9). We found 100 NS-specific effects on ZO-1 morphology, including induction of a zigzag appearance in the xy focal plane 101 ( Fig.