The petrographic analysis of Miocene sandstone at latitude 33° 45' 00" N to 33° 51' 30" N and Longitude 73° 35' 36" E to 73° 45' 00" E in the Himalayan fold and thrust belt was based on field observations and study of representative samples. At least 30 rock samples dislodged from outcrops for thin section preparations were soaked in blue epoxy resin before thin section grinding, then etched and stained using alizarin-red and potassium ferrocyanide for carbonate identification. The stratigraphic sections in the area were measured by tape-compass-clinometer method. Petrographic and textural data revealed that the quartz, feldspar, rock fragments, accessories, matrix and cement form the bulk composition of the rocks. The Miocene sandstones are lithic arenites and lithic greywackes. Further interpretation revealed the fracturing, flexure grain deformations, dissolutions, stylolitization, clay minerals anthogenesis, calcite and silica cementation during the diagenetic history of rocks.