Flexoelectricity is present in nonuniformly deformed dielectric materials and has size-dependent properties, making it useful for microelectromechanical systems. Flexoelectricity is small compared to piezoelectricity; therefore, producing a large-scale flexoelectric effect is of great interest. In this paper, we explore a way to enhance the flexoelectric effect by utilizing the snap-through instability and a stiffness gradient present along the length of a curved dielectric plate. To analyze the effect of stiffness profiles on the plate, we employ numerical parameter continuation. Our analysis reveals a nonlinear relationship between the effective electromechanical coupling coefficient and the gradient of Young’s modulus. Moreover, we demonstrate that the quadratic profile is more advantageous than the linear profile. For a dielectric plate with a quadratic profile and a modulus gradient of − 0.9, the effective coefficient can reach as high as 15.74 pC/N, which is over three times the conventional coupling coefficient of piezoelectric material. This paper contributes to our understanding of the amplification of flexoelectric effects by harnessing snapping surfaces and stiffness gradient design.