The dependence of particulate LangmuirÀBlodgett (LB) monolayer quality on the surface nature of the substrate was investigated by pretreating the substrates with di®erent methods, and the optimal withdrawal speed was determined by detecting the quality of particulate monolayers deposited at di®erent withdrawal speeds. Furthermore, the e®ects of stearic acid (SA) concentration on the quality of particulate monolayers were discussed. Results indicated that surface amination would favor the transfer of the°oating particulate monolayer from the interface to the substrate, which would be attributed to the formation of chemical bonds between the ÀNH 2 groups on the substrate surface and the functional groups of ÀCOOH and SiÀOH groups on surfaces of particles°oating at the interface. And the withdrawal speed of 1 mm Á min À1 was appropriate for the fabrication of high-quality particulate LB monolayer because low withdrawal speed can o®er su±cient time to form chemical bonds and expel the subphase from the substrate. Additionally, SEM images illustrated that the SA concentration of 0:40 mg Á mL À1 was suitable for the fabrication of well-ordered particulate LB monolayers composed by the particles of 380 nm.