Traditionally, high-rate small parts have been fabricated out of metal due to low cost, and high producibility. Following after trends in the automotive sector, certain aerospace-grade resins have shown processing flexibility while maintaining high mechanical and physical performance. The ability to fabricate complex composite laminates with a compression molding process using aerospace resins is essential for achieving low cost, structurally efficient components. The reduction in composites processing time through compression molding also enables favorable economic trades against metallic baselines, while providing increased component performance and providing weight savings. Challenges exist as the laminate thickness increases, tight radius of curvature are incorporated, and unidirectional tape is utilized. An undulating part was fabricated using aerospace prepregs and compression molding techniques. This shows that unidirectional tape can be used to fabricate constant cross section laminates with thick complex features in an automated process with direct forming. The demonstration article was fabricated using CYCOM® 5320-1 carbon fiber tape and fabric prepregs utilizing an on tool cycle time of 30 minutes to enable high throughput. The fabrication of this article will lead to further development of structure that requires quasi-isotropic properties coupled with complex, stiffening geometry. In addition, the ability to compression mold this geometry opens the option of geometrically stiffened structure where previously cost prohibitive.