Recently, gold nanoclusters (Au NCs)
have become more popular as
their structure–property relationships start to rival those
of conventional Au NPs. The molecular-type energy transition and quantum
confinement effects of Au NCs are fundamentally different from those
of Au NPs. Because of these intriguing features, Au NCs are gaining
special attention in catalysis research and are being used as model
catalysts to understand catalytic properties and structures at the
atomic level. Although catalysis research is a longstanding discipline,
the fundamental insights into structure–property relationships
at the atomic level, such as reaction mechanism/activation at the
catalyst surface and identification of actives sites, remain largely
unexplored. Atomically precise Au NCs can provide access to such information
because of their exact molecular information, monodisperse nature,
molecule-like properties, and well-resolved atomic structure from
X-ray crystallography, akin to protein structures in enzyme-based
catalysis. This accurate data also provides essential information
for computational investigations. In this Perspective, we summarize
the recent progress made using Au NCs as electrocatalytic materials
for oxygen reduction, water electrocatalysis, and electrochemical
reduction of carbon dioxide, and we discuss challenges to overcome
existing limitations. We hope that our Perspective motivates more
researchers to investigate different aspects of Au NCs toward a better
understanding of the structure–performance correlations in