This study utilizes a technology known as 3D laser foil printing (LFP) to create precise structures by layering metal foils using laser welding. Metal foils have the advantages of rapid cooling and efficient heat conduction, allowing for the formation of fine-grained structures. However, when dealing with materials like aluminum alloys in laser processes, defects can arise as a result of their high reflectivity. To address this challenge, laser circular oscillation welding (LCOW) is applied to the LFP process. LCOW's circular motions with higher scanning frequencies widen the keyholes and reduce some defects such as spattering, bubble formation, and microcracks. Simulation predictions with an error margin of approximately 10% in comparison to experimental results demonstrate the reliability of the model. Furthermore, the study integrates circular packing design with artificial neural networks to create comprehensive processing maps tailored to different criteria for extracting optimal welding parameters. As a result, for the optimized processing parameters screened using the above systematic process, no cracks were observed on the upper surface of the 3D LFP parts produced with a laser power of 800 W and a scanning speed of 550 mm/s, and only 0.12% porosity was observed from the cross section of the sample. Future research will focus on incorporating simulation results to model microstructures more precisely and continually refining LCOW parameters as new materials and technologies emerge, ensuring the ongoing enhancement of weld quality in the 3D LFP process.