Since ancient days, pulpwood, which is a fibrillated plant fiber, has been used as a raw material for paper products 1,2) . In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward the industrial use of cellulose fiber which is obtained from renewable resources, plants due to the new sustainable development policies 3,4) . The annual production of plants derived cellulose on the Earth is estimated to be 7.5×10 10 -1.5×10 12 tons [5][6][7][8] , making it a highly sustainable resource. Especially, the cellulose fiber that has been fibrillated to the nanoscale is called cellulose nanofiber (CNF), which has been attracting attention for its excellent properties [9][10][11] . Although its density (1.5-1.6 g/cm 3 ) 12) is 1/5 times lower than that of steel, the strength of a single nanofiber in the longitudinal direction reaches 1.6-3 GPa 13) . This value is approximately five times in maximum the tensile strength of JIS S50C (610-740 MPa), which is a commonly used for structural steel. CNF is able to be used as reinforcement in composite materials with polymers to enhance their mechanical, thermal, and biodegradation properties 14) . CNF composited polymers have shown better mechanical performance compared to the base polymer, making them suitable for various industries 15) such as automotive 16) , packaging 17) , medical implant 18) , electronics [19][20][21] , building material 22) , and paper 23) . On the other hand, there are very few reports on composite materials with cellulose added to metal-based matrices, with only a few examples being the addition of CNF to sintered metal materials by Kurita et al. 24) and Osada et al. 25) Therefore, we have proposed and studied the fabrication of metal-based CNF composite films by a electrolytic composite plating method 26,27) . Further improvement of wear resistance due to the intervention of CNF is expected by compositing CNF into nickel (Ni) plated film which is widely used industrially for its superior corrosion, wear, and heat resistance. In addition, when Ni-CNF plating is applied to the surface treatment of electronic substrate electrodes, the presence of CNF, which is chemically stable and has a low linear thermal expansion coefficient, is expected to suppress the formation of intermetallic compound (IMC) between solder/electrode and relieve thermal stress.