Highly monodispersed Ag embedded SiO 2 nanostructured thin films have been synthesized and their sensitivity towards SERS investigated. The possible mechanism for the formation of a highly monodispersed SiO 2 nanostructured thin film and its self-assembled nanogap with Ag are discussed. It is found that the architecture of Ag embedded SiO 2 (Ag@SiO 2 ) is drastically influenced by the concentration of the precursors and the reaction time. Morphology and monodispersity of the silica thin film were confirmed using FESEM and AFM. Crystallinity and existence of Ag on SiO 2 were confirmed using XRD and XPS. The substrate shows enhanced SERS efficiency due to the reduced size (around 15 nm) of the Ag nanoparticles and the nano gap of (below 3 nm) between SiO 2 and Ag. Based on the FDTD (finite-difference time-domain) simulation, the creation of hotspots was confirmed for the obtained nanogap. The prepared thin film possesses strong Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) with widely tunable peaks between 407-430 nm in the UV visible spectrum. The Ag@SiO 2 nanospheresbased SERS platform provides highly enhanced effects and reveals a reproducible enhancement (EF = 7.79 x10 8 ) of R6G (Rhodamine 6G), allowing a detection limit from a 10 -18 mol L -1 solution. The prepared substrate was also used to detect trace level of melamine from a 10 -8 mol L -1 solution. Fig.9. AFM 2D and 3D images of (a-b) SiO 2 nanospheres (d-e) Ag@SiO 2 nanospheres and (c & f) Histograms of SiO 2 and Ag@SiO 2 nanospheres [Note: Here Ag represents hydrosol A] Fig.10. Electric field ሺ〈||ܧ ଶ 〉ሻ distributions obtained from 3D FDTD calculations at wavelength 514 nm of (a) 2.5 nm gap (b) 5 nm gap.