Thec ontinued reduction of fossil fuels together with the more stringent environmental protection legislation has been the focal point for the search for alternative energy sources. Fuel cell technology has obtained increasing attention as it can directly convert chemical energy from fuel into electrical energy,w ithout combustion, at high efficiencya nd low pollution [1,2].R ecently,d irect alcohol fuel cells (DAFCs)h ave attracted enormous attentionf or their high energy density,e fficiency, simple operation at room temperature and simple storage of liquid fuels and fuel purification [ 3,4].DAFCs efficiencies are vary according to specific characteristics,b eing the choice of the fuel, anode catalyst and, corresponding catalyst support of utmost importance [5,6].T hese characteristics makea lcohols attractive liquid fuels for the majorityo fp romising alternative power sources for transportation, portable electronics and stationary applications [7].T he most common DAFC is the direct methanolf uel cell (DMFC) and severalw orks in the recent years have been performed on the electron oxidation of methanol [8] and ethanol [9][10][11].Recently,g lycerol has emerged as ap otential fuel to feed anodes of DAFCs,d irect glycerolf uel cell (DGFC), due to its high theoretical energya nd availability,s ince it is am assive co-product of biodiesel fabrication [12].I mproved alcohol oxidation kinetics in the electrolyte can also be facilitated in the alkalinem edia rather than in the acid media. This can help to overcomet he kineticc onstraintsi nt he alcohol oxidation for operating DAFCs [13,14].O ne of the most criticalp oints of DAFCs performance are the electrocatalysts,d ue to this,m uch effort has been devoted to the development of new materials in order to overcome this problem.Pt-basede lectrocatalysts are the most universal type applied in DAFCs because they have high catalytica ctivity,g ood chemical stability and large currentd ensity.A lthough, theya lso have certain limitations such as high cost, easy poisoning by the adsorbed reaction intermediates [3],a mong other factors.A nother approachf or improving the Pt efficiency has been the search of different support materials that may be appliedf or electrocatalysts synthesis.C arbon nanomaterials with several shapesa nd structures such as nanostructured, carbon black, carbon nanofibers,m esoporousc arbon and carbon nanotubes, have been used as support for metal nanoparticles improving their electrocatalytic performance [15].OrdóÇez et al. [16] prepared aP te lectrocatalyst supported ontom ulti-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) for direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC)a pplication. Thea uthors described that CNTsi ncreased the activity of the Pt electrocatalyst and, in as ingle fuel cell tests occurred Abstract:Aphysical mixture composed by carbon Vulcan XC 72 and indiumt in oxide( ITO) with different ratios (85 :15; 50 :50; 85 :15) was used as support for platinum nanoparticles synthesis by borohydride reduction method. Thecharacterization of thiselectrocatalyst was pe...