Design of a beamline for soft and deep lithography on third generation synchrotron radiation source Rev.A W/Si multilayer was used to determine the degree of circular polarization of the soft x-ray radiation of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility helical undulator HELIOS I. The multilayer, manufactured by vapor deposition serves as a wideband tunable polarization analyzer in the photon energy range from 520 to 930 eV. The characterization of the multilayer's analyzing power, varying from 0.82 to 0.25 for these energies, indicates that it operates close to its calculated specifications. The lack of phase-shifters applicable in this energy range was overcome by a detailed analysis of the unpolarized background identified as radiation from the magnetic lattice. In this way, the degree of circular polarization of HELIOS I was determined to exceed 0.85 for hϾ685 eV.