Tabular is a domain-specific language for expressing probabilistic models of relational data. Tabular has several features that set it apart from other probabilistic programming languages including: (1) programs and data are stored as spreadsheet tables; (2) programs consist of probabilistic annotations on the relational schema of the data; and (3) inference returns estimations of missing values and latent columns, as well as parameters. Our primary implementation is for Microsoft Excel and relies on Infer.NET for inference. Still, the language can be called independently of Excel and can target alternative inference engines.
OverviewProbabilistic programming languages promise to make machine learning more accessible by allowing users to write their generative models as computer programs and providing generic inference engines capable of performing inference on all valid programs expressible in the given language. However, as most of the currently existing languages are essentially probabilistic extensions of conventional programming languages, they are arguably not ideally suited for the job.For one thing, they are still difficult to use for people who are not professional programmers. Meanwhile, many people who may want to use probabilistic mod-