The ability to represent the world as a nested hierarchy of concepts, by defining each concept in relation to abstract representations has promoted deep learning to be widely used as a processing model for solving data science tasks. The era of digitalization has allowed the deep learning technology to flourish and machines with the ability to analyse huge amount of complex data would now be able to give progressively exact outcomes due to its supremacy in terms of accuracy when trained with massive amount of data. Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN), being a deep neural network with their ability to develop an internal representation of a two-dimensional image, allows the model to learn position and scale invariant structures in the data, which is important when working with images. For realizing emotion aware applications, the system must be highly accurate and in real time. In this paper, we provide the design and implementation details of a real time emotion based music player using CNN with the aim to reduce human effort and invoke the feasibility of Human Computer interaction(HCI).